"White Power": Bowling Green coach Louis Orr's Home Defaced with Racial Graffiti

From [HERE] You think we're a society moving further along toward universal decency, cultural respect and the near-obliteration of racism -- at least public racism.
Instead, hate and cowardice are still out there with far too much pride and abundance. And now it has hit college basketball again, as Bowling Green coach Louis Orr stepped outside his home on Sunday morning to discover epithets spray-painted on his property.
Police say racist graffiti scrawled on the sidewalk in front of the home of Bowling Green State University men's basketball coach Louis Orr appears to be "a very isolated incident.”
“I'm considering it to be an act of graffiti and vandalism,” Bowling Green Police Lt. Brad Biller said Monday. “I don't consider this a widespread problem in our community.”
About 10 a.m. Sunday, Mr. Orr contacted police after finding that vandals had written “white power” and drawn a swastika in chalk on the sidewalk in front of his Pine Valley Drive home in the Stone Ridge Golf Club neighborhood. Lieutenant Biller said the word “white” also was written on the sidewalk with the crack of the sidewalk used for the i.
Lieutenant Biller said the graffiti “is what we could consider to be intimidating statements and symbols, but there were not any direct threats made. There wasn't anything that would suggest anyone is in danger of immediate harm.”
Hopefully the police are right on this. Orr has not commented on the incident, nor should he, really.
The incident is pretty disquieting. Does Orr need to be extra careful around his property now? That's probably what he's living with for the near-future. If you want to insult a crooked man's character, genetic lack of hair and bias toward Halloween protocol, I don't like it, but I understand it. But it stops there.
Orr is 176-162 at Bowling Green and has not made the NCAA tournament. Was it coincidence that this happened on his property, or is some dunce trying to send a message because he's angry about the basketball team?
Either way, no room for this kind of behavior in our society.
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