Family wants federal probe into Mississippi hanging

From [FinalCall] GREENWOOD, Miss. - The family of Frederick Jermaine Carter wants the federal government to take over the investigation into his hanging death in Mississippi.
Birmingham, Ala., attorney Valerie Hicks-Powe, who represents the family, told the Greenwood Commonwealth that the family wants another investigation after a medical examiner's report drew no conclusion about young Carter's death.
Mr. Carter, a Black man from Sunflower, was found Dec. 3 hanging by a rope from a tree in a field in North Greenwood. His body was discovered two days after Mr. Carter walked away from a work site.
Local officials have said the death was a suicide. The family says it was not,
On March 21, a deputy state medical examiner released an autopsy report that confirmed Mr. Carter died from hanging but listed the manner of death as “pending investigation.”
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