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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis
« U.S. let guns fall into drug cartels' hands, files show | Main | Juan Crow is a Ripoff: The High Costs of Anti- Latino Immigration Enforcement »

VHS to create 'slave name' database

From [HERE] RICHMOND, Va. -- The Virginia Historical Society will draw from its vast collections to create a database of slave names to help scholars and family historians examine centuries of the state's slave-holding past.

"Unknown No Longer: A Database of Virginia Slave Names" will tap some of the more than 8 million processed manuscripts in the society's collection. The online results will be available at no cost to researchers, families and genealogists.

The database will be launched in September with 1,000 names, which curator of African- American history Lauranett Lee calls "a point from which to start." Virginia held more slaves than any other state.

The society's records includes letters, wills, deeds, insurance policies, receipts, diaries, memoirs and other documents. They date back to the 1700s.

"A website visitor could enter as much as or as little information as he or she knows about a particular African American to conduct a search," the society's CEO, Paul Levengood, said in a news release. "The results can lead to previously unknown connections between people, families and places."

Early African-American history, defined as the arrival of the first slaves through the Civil war, is often based on the words of white observers or freed persons who reflected on the era.

The database will use searchable keywords such as name, gender, location, occupation and plantation. It will also include images of original source documents.

"Existing databases profile specific plantations and ship manifests with African names of their human cargo or other force migratory information," Lee said. "Unknown No Longer will be the first database of names that relate back to plantations or places of work across all of slaveholding Virginia."

Lee said in an interview Friday that many African-Americans were inspired by Alex Haley's epic "Roots" to trace their families' histories, and that thirst continues to this day.

"It's difficult to trace family history during slavery because enslaved people were frequently moved around," Lee said. "That's the biggest challenge. Oftentimes they might not know where their family came from."

The society's database draws extensively from its African-American collections. "This database gets down into the weeds," Lee said.

"This would be the place where people should start their search," she added.

The database is being funded with a $100,000 grant from Dominion Resources and The Dominion Foundation.

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