Desperate House Negro Michael Steele unsure of own health coverage

From Politico [HERE]
With Congress and the White House squabbling over health care reform, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said on Tuesday he’s not really sure which insurance company covers him.
Asked about his health care coverage at the RNC, Steele told CNN, “BlueCross BlueShield, I believe. Or maybe not. I think it’s BlueCross BlueShield.”
In fact, two sources say it’s Cigna that provides the RNC health coverage.
“I haven’t had to use the plan too much, thank goodness – although there are days on this job,” Steele said.
An RNC spokeswoman declined to comment.
Steele said in the CNN interview he’s “happy” with the coverage, “just like 85 percent of the American people.”
Steele has stepped up his attacks recently on the Obama administration’s drive to overhaul health care.
On Monday, he blasted the president during a speech at the National Press Club for being part of a health care “cabal” that Steele said was intent on conducting a health care “experiment.”
“President Barack Obama is a good man who cares deeply about this country, but he is determined — with an unprecedented single-mindedness — to transform it into something none of us would recognize,” Steele said. “The Barack Obama experiment with America is a risk our country cannot afford.”
Democrats quickly pounced on Steele’s stumble.
“It must be nice to have the luxury of not even knowing the name of your own health care provider," said DNC spokesman Hari Sevugan. "But Michael Steele’s comments today and the Republican strategy of working to kill reform for their own political purposes is simply insulting to the millions of American families and businesses struggling with soaring health care costs.”
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