White Candidate Defeats Obama in West Virginia- Improves her Record to 16-32

- Superdelegates put Obama within mathematical reach/Clinton adds West Virginia delegates
- Clinton Lovers Sell T-Shirt that Portrays Barack Obama as Monkey Eating Banana [MORE]
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won most of the delegates in West Virginia's Democratic primary Tuesday. Clinton added at least 15 delegates, but still trails Sen. Barack Obama by a large margin in the race for the Democratic nomination. The remaining 13 delegates were still to be awarded. Obama leads the overall race for the nomination with 1,875.5 delegates, including endorsements from party and elected officials known as superdelegates. Clinton has 1,712, according to the latest AP tally. It will take 2,025 delegates to claim the Democratic nomination at the party's national convention this summer. Earlier Tuesday, Obama picked up four superdelegate endorsements, giving him 30 in the past week. Clinton added two during the same period. Obama erased Clinton's once-imposing lead in superdelegate endorsements on Saturday.Obama now leads in states won, pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses, and superdelegates.. There are 217 delegates at stake in the six remaining primaries, in West Virginia, Kentucky, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Montana and South Dakota. Even if Clinton wins most of those delegates, Obama could reach the magic number by the time South Dakota and Montana vote on June 3. [MORE]
Even The Racists Are Deserting Hillary 7% of the voters in West Virginia voted for John Edwards, who isn't even in the race. That fact is nothing short of stunning. Faced with a black man and a white woman, these voters chose a white man who isn't running. And these are Democrats. Among Southern whites, this makes them the Left.To succeed in politics, you have to deal with ugly facts sometimes. Here's one ugly fact: Some voters won't vote for a black man. Here's another: Some of the same voters won't vote for a woman. It's foolish to think you can advance the rights of one group by inflaming prejudices against another. The best way to fight racism or sexism is to fight all prejudice. [MORE]
Oregon Poll Shows Obama Leading Clinton By 20 Points
From the Frontrunner The Portland (OR) Tribune (5/13, Law) reports, "A bit more than a week away from Oregon's May 20 primary," Sen. Barack Obama "has amassed a nearly insurmountable lead in the Democratic presidential race, according to statewide polling conducted by Portland's Davis, Hibbitts & Midghall Inc. for the Portland Tribune and KPTV News 12." Obama leads Sen. Hillary Clinton "by a commanding 55 percent to 35 percent margin among likely Democratic voters, and even leads among women voters who ordinarily tilt toward Clinton, said Tim Hibbitts of Davis, Hibbitts & Midghall. The poll was conducted May 8-10, during and after visits to Oregon by Obama and Clinton." The survey of 400 likely Oregon Democratic voters has a margin of error of +/- 4.8%.
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