Desperate for Money, NAACP to have Rev. Wright Speak at Fundraiser Tonight

DETROIT – Great timing. Two weeks before the Presidential primaries in North Carolina and Indiana and the NAACP deicides to have Rev Wright speak at their fundraiser. You would think these morons would be more interested in helping to elect the first black president than getting some cheap media coverage of their chicken dinner event and having another HNIC performance from Wright. One thing is for sure though, no matter what he says tonight, he will deliver nothing tangible to the blacks he claims to be helping out-not one job or benefit or registered voter or plan of action to do anything. Just talk. As one of the few black orgaizations that has been able to sustain itself as an institution for decades by not relying on the persona of one single leader, it is unfortunate that it would stoop down so low to pick up some chump change on the floor at a time like this.
WHAT IS IT: The 53rd Annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner, a Sunday fundraiser for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's Detroit branch.
WHO'S COMING: 10,000 people are expected to attend what's billed as the largest sit-down dinner in the nation.
WHAT IT COSTS: $150 a plate.
WHAT'S THE DRAW: A keynote speech by the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. The outspoken former pastor of presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has drawn fire from many in the wake of Internet-circulated sound bites from some his sermons. [MORE]
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