And the GOP wonders why it can't attract black voters
From the Milwaukee Sentinel
By Eugene Kane
A GOP politician from Kentucky called Barack Obama "boy" during a political speech. According to USA Today: "Addressing a Republican gathering Saturday night, Rep. Geoff Davis said, "That boy's finger does not need to be on the button." Davis was talking about political and national security issues at an annual Republican dinner." He apologized, but as usual, it was too little, too late. Most reasonable people know that any white person who demeans a black man by calling him "boy" is making a racist statement. It's never just a 'slip of the tongue' or a misunderstanding. Calling it a "poor choice of words" is as ridiculous as Don Imus claiming he didn't think "nappy headed hos" was offensive, or even our own local blowhard Mark Belling who once claimed he didn't realize calling Hispanics the "W-word" would be considered an insult. It's time to stop acting like some people don't realize they're using hurtful words just because they get in trouble when they get rightfully criticized for using the words. Just don't do it, would be my advice. Ironically, a column by Thomas Sowell appeared in the Journal Sentinel today talking about why the GOP needs to do a better job attracting black voters. This incident with Davis just confirms what I've always believed. The main problem the GOP has attracting black voters is the attitudes of many Republican politicians. This blogger makes an excellent point: "Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY) is 49 years old. Barack Obama is 46 years old. When was the last time you called someone three years younger than you a boy?"
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