Albert Wynn to leave Congress in June

Rep. Albert R. Wynn of Maryland, a veteran Democrat who lost a primary last month, said yesterday that he plans to resign from Congress in June to join a high-profile Washington law firm with an active lobbying practice.
Wynn will join the growing number of politicians moving through the revolving door between Congress and lucrative careers influencing the decisions of former colleagues.
Wynn, 56, lost his re-election bid to Donna Edwards, a party activist and outspoken critic of the Iraq War. The heavily Democratic district he represents contains portions of Prince George's and Montgomery counties. Edwards came close to defeating Wynn two years ago and bested him in a rematch last month by portraying him as too closely aligned with business interests and the Bush administration.
In a statement, Wynn said that it was a "great honor" to have served the 4th District but said that "it is time to move into another phase of my life."
Under Maryland law, Gov. Martin O'Malley must decide within 10 days of Wynn's resignation whether to call for a special election or to allow the position to remain vacant until a replacement is chosen in November's regularly scheduled general election. [MORE]
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