Bush Approval at 30%, Congressional Approval at 20%

From The White House Bulletin
A Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll of 900 registered voters nationwide, including 388 Democrats, taken March 18-19 shows:
Bush Approval -- 30% said they "approve" of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President; 60% said "disapprove"; 10% don't know.
Congressional Approval -- 20% said they "approve" of the way Congress is doing its job; 67% said "disapprove"; 12% don't know.
2008 Trial Heats -- 46% said they would vote for Hillary Clinton if the presidential election were held today; 43% said John McCain; 11% don't know. -- 43% said they would vote for Barack Obama if the presidential election were held today; 44% said John McCain; 13% don't know.
2008 Issues -- 51% said it is more important for the next president to focus on "economy and jobs"; 17% said "terrorism and homeland security"; 30% said both equally; 1% said neither; 1% don't know. -- Asked, "If a national security emergency took place on January 21, 2009, the day after the inauguration of the new president," 23% said they would trust Hillary Clinton the most to deal with it; 19% said Barack Obama; 42% said John McCain; 4% said none of them; 3% said all equally; 9% don't know. -- Asked, "If an economic crisis took place" the day after inauguration, 30% said they would trust Hillary Clinton the most to deal with it; 22% said Barack Obama; 32% said John McCain; 7% said none of them; 2% said all equally; 8% don't know.
Political Identification -- 43% of respondents identified themselves as a Democrat; 30% as a Republican; 21% as an independent; 3% as something else; 3% don't know or refused to answer.
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