Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 10:05PM
- Ms Rice is a 'genuine door bell whose chime announces the
arrival of the white Bush'
ZIMBABWE'S state-run Herald newspaper on Saturday launched a vitriolic
attack on US secretary of state nominee Condoleezza Rice, calling her
anti-black and an apologist for "white sins". A weekly column compared
Ms Rice to her predecessor, Colin Powell, whom it called an "Uncle
Tom", a put-down of a black who is overeager to win the approval of
whites. "She is a black woman who will be manly and white in her
relentless assault on blacks, their liberties and their remnant and
dwindling sovereignties," said the column. "She will be a black who
washes away the sins of white power as it bludgeons non-white states."
The comments came after Ms Rice on Wednesday branded Belarus, Cuba,
Iran, Myanmar, North Korea and Zimbabwe as "outposts of tyranny". The
Herald said Ms Rice was a "genuine door bell whosechime announces the
arrival of the white Bush, the same way her 'outposts of tyranny'
speech foreshadowed and set the tone for Bush's inauguration one". "She
is no denizen of the black square, a place she associates with failure,
dishonour and shame," it said, adding that those who expected her to
"proclaim the cause of the black man and woman, demanding atonement",
would be bitterly disappointed. The Herald predicted that Ms Rice would
be the "alto horn that leads and plays harbinger to Bush's bass as it
thunders and rings across the globe with Iraq as its lighter prelude".
The Zimbabwean government dismissed Ms Rice's comments, saying Harare
was unruffled about what "fascists" thought of it. "The western world
is now composed and governed by fascists," Zimbabwe's Anti-Corruption
Minister Didymus Mutasa said, when asked about Ms Rice's comments.
"When you look at the way that Iraq is, and the way the Palestinians
have been ignored, and the way that we and others who are socialists
are being treated, you cannot doubt that these people are fascists,"
said Mr Mutasa. "The best we can do is to ignore them and just work for
the good of our people." [more]
- Condoleezza Rice says Zimbabwe 'outpost of tyranny' [more]
- Mutusa Responds: "When comments like that come
from fascists like Condoleezza Rice, we are not really worried," Mutasa
said. "They [the United States government] have no morals." He said the
US government resented it when "black people stood up for themselves."
"They are jealousy [sic] of countries like China because they are
governing themselves," he said. "They are aiming to treat us the same
way as they are treating Iran," he added. [more]
- Mugabe rolls out red carpet for Iranian leader [more]