Julianne Malveaux: Questions for new Congress to ponder

While the House and the Senate remain overwhelmingly white boys' clubs, the new diversity is exciting and refreshing -- but raises a set of new questions. What should we expect from the new people of color in Congress? Is their loyalty to their race and their space, or to the party that helped elect them? Will racial, ethnic and gender diversity also mean a diversity of ideas, or will it mean that careerists of color will have to "go along to get along" with their parties? Chisholm wanted to be remembered for having the guts to call anyone on his or her nonsense. She ought to also be remembered for having heart. Matsui, who was an infant when he and his family were sent to an internment camp for Japanese-Americans during World War II, later fought successfully for redress. Will these new members be able to change the status of people of color in our nation? Chisholm and Mat sui, both fighters for justice, would have done anything to make a difference. Will members of the new diverse Congress pick up the baton they pass? With tax cuts, Social Security reform (Matsui's forte) and the Iraq war on the legislative table, it makes sense to wonder whether new legislators bring new energy to the process. [more]
- Pictured above: Newly-elected U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill), (L), and newly-elected U.S. Senator Ken Salazar (R-CO), talk before President Bush hosted a ceremony for new members elected to Congress, in the East Room of the White House, January 3, 2005.
- Congressman Mel Watt Sworn in as New Chair of Congressional Black Caucus [more]