Corporate Media Ignored Election Irregularites

News outlets gave only cursory attention to the findings in a January 5 report on election irregularities in Ohio, released by Representative John Conyers Jr. (D-MI), the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee.The report's release coincided with a January 6 joint session of Congress in which Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH) formally objected to the certification of Ohio's 20 electoral votes, basing their objection on the report's findings. While the media did report on Boxer's and Tubbs Jones's objection -- only the second such objection since 1877 --and the release of the House Judiciary Committee report, they made only vague and partial reference to the extensive findings set out in the report. The Conyers Report presented a litany of facts to support allegations of fraud and other irregularities that the report asserts "resulted in a significant disenfranchisement of voters." The executive summary lists 12 specific examples of fraud or other irregularities in voting or vote counting, which are further explored and explained in detail in the body of the report.* The Democratic members of Congress who objected to President Bush receiving Ohio's electoral votes did so based upon of the findings of the Conyers report, according to a January 6 "Inside Politics" report on despite the fact that the Conyers Report forms the basis of the objections of Boxer and Tubbs Jones, the media has given cursory attention to the actual content of the report. [more]
- Covering Elections There, Miscovering Them Here [more]