What's the Media Got to do With it? Black "Cooperation Clergy" Selling out Blacks

The media which is now corporate owned and Republican controlled gives all of its time and energy to the “cooperation clergy.” Those of us who believe firmly in a liberation agenda are “silenced” by the media. The media puts all of its attention on the colored conservative clergy who go along with the white racist conservative platform. What’s the media got to do with it? The media has everything to do with it! The media gives the impression that this is the “new direction” that the Black Church is taking in the 21st Century. The reality, however, is quite a different story. When George Bush called the colored conservative clergy to the White House to support his white racist conservative agenda, over 15,000 Black Baptists were meeting at the same time and during the same week. Those Baptists (of four different Baptist denominations) agreed to call for a social agenda that addresses the truemoral values of this nation and not just same-sex marriage and abortion! The media chose not to cover that large, historic gathering, however. They put all their attention on the few colored conservative clergy who gathered to enjoy a “photo-op” at the White House. I call this reality to your attention in order that you might be aware of what it is you read and see in the newspapers, in the conservative “rag sheets” that pass themselves off as newspapers and magazines and on the Republican and corporate-owned television networks! The media is setting the agenda for many Black Christians who just don’t “have a clue.” [more]
- Pictured above: All-Souled Out, the good Reverend, Pro-Torture & Black Unemployment, Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr. who you never heard of until he said he supported Bush.
- 15 Million Black Baptists Meet, Put Aside Gay-marriage Issue & Focus on Domestic Issues, War in Iraq [more]
- Black churches ponder direction as some ally with GOP [more]