Poll Of Mexican Illegal Aliens Suggests Majority Would Prefer To Settle In US

USA Today (3/3, Bustos) reports on a Pew Hispanic Center poll of 4,836 "mostly undocumented Mexican immigrants" conducted between July 2004 and January 2005 which "found that a majority want to stay in the country permanently, but many more would be interested in signing up for temporary work permits even if it requires them to eventually return to Mexico." The poll "found that 59% want to remain in the United States 'as long as I can' or 'for the rest of my life.' Only 27% said they expected to return to Mexico within the next five years." The poll "is certain to drive further debate in Congress over the merits of Bush's controversial immigration plan." Bush's guest-worker program "has drawn more critics than supporters in Congress." Administration officials have "argued that most Mexicans have historically sought to work -- not settle -- in the United States." The Washington Post (3/3, A09, Fears) notes Rep. Tom Tancredo said the poll "shows exactly what we've been telling the administration, that the vast majority of illegal aliens...have no intention of returning to their countries of origin." The Frontrunner March 3, 2005 Thursday