Wednesday, March 9, 2005 at 11:04AM
- Julian Bond Speaks Out despite IRS Probe-- “Most of us would
rather have had the election turn on issues of war and peace than on
issues of race and sex. I thought we had 10 commandments. What happened
to the ones against lying, stealing, and killing.” [more]
NAACP leaders called President George
W. Bush’s Social Security reform plan dangerous for Blacks and
requested a meeting with the president to address the issue. At the
organization’s annual meeting in New York last week, NAACP Chairman
Julian Bond said the association sent a letter to the White House
specifying their apprehension towards Bush’s plan to privatize Social
Security. “Privatization is another effort to reward wealthy Americans
at the expense of working Americans, particularly Black working
Americans, asking them to play the lottery with their future,” said
Bond. “Privatization would convert their support from a guarantee to a
gamble, from a right into a risk.” The NAACP also expressed concerns
about education and unemployment, said Bond, who was unanimously
re-elected as chairman of the 95-year-old civil rights group. Hilary O.
Shelton, the NAACP’s Washington bureau chief, labeled the president’s
plan “extremely dangerous to us,” stating that twice as many Blacks
than whites, among married couples, depend on Social Security for their
full retirement income. Shelton also said Blacks in their 50s are two
times more likely than whites to become disabled. Some Black leaders are
claiming that Bush, rather than solving the crisis of life expectancy
in the Black community, is attempting to exploit the issue, which they
said is attributed to health discrepancies and urban violence. “The
Black-white disparity in life expectancies practically disappears at
retirement age. If they really cared about Black life expectancy,
they’d find ways to end the numerous threats to long life and to extend
our lives. Instead, they want to turn Social Security into a broker
security,” Bond said. [
regard to the 10 Commandments Jesse Jackson added - "Gay Marriage
didn't even make the top ten. In fact Jesus never even spoke about it."