Intelligence about Iran for Bush is called weak

A presidential commission due to report to President George W. Bush
this month will describe American intelligence on Iran as inadequate
and not complete enough to allow firm judgments about that country's
illicit weapons programs, according to people who have been briefed on
the panel's work. The commission's sharp indictment of U.S. judgments
on Iran follows a secretive 14-month review by the panel. Bush ordered
it last year to assess the quality of overall U.S. intelligence about
the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. The
expected criticism will come while increasingly sharp warnings from the
Bush administration about what it says are Iran's efforts to build
nuclear weapons are being met with firm denials in Tehran. It says that
its nuclear program is intended purely for civilian purposes. The
nine-member panel, headed by Laurence Silberman, a retired federal
judge, and Charles Robb, the former governor and senator from Virginia,
is also expected to be critical of American intelligence on North
Korea. [more]