More Disrespect: Republicans Refuse to Recognize Holiday for Native Americans

The Republican Party's welcome mat for Native Americans is located at the back door
Oklahoma House Bill 1216 calls for Native American Day to be recognized as a state holiday, the bill is before the House Rules Committee headed by Sue Tibbs, a republican. Representative Tibbs refuses to deal with the bill and will not send it to the house floor for a vote, stating she may look at it next year. Democratic Representative Glen Smithson, author of H.B 1216, stated he repeatedly ask Sue Tibbs to send the bill to the house floor for a vote. Sue Tibbs informed Glen Smithson she would handle the heat for not sending the bill forward. The Indian Mascot Bill was also shot down earlier by Oklahoma republican representatives like Senator Don Barrington of Lawton, Oklahoma. He stated he didn't think people using the mascots were intentionally trying to hurt Indians. The Mascot Bill was introduced by State Senate Democrat Judy McIntyre, who said our government needs to be educated on the Indian mascot issue as to where the Indian community stands on this issue. United Native America, an Oklahoma based national group, is trying to bring about a federal National Native American Day holiday with H.RES.76., plus bring it about as an Oklahoma State holiday. At every turn on the holiday issue, state or federal, there is a pack of republicans blocking the issue or refusing to have their name added in support of the holiday. Republican State Representative Mike Reynolds told Mike Graham he did not support the holiday bill, citing cost to tax payers. Reynolds told Graham basically to do the representatives job for him and find a way to bring the holiday about at no expense to Oklahomans. Then he would think about it. Oklahoma's republicans and federal republican representatives have stated to United Native America they will not sign on in support of bringing about National Native American Day. Newly elected Oklahoma Republican U.S. Senator Tom Colburn's staff member, Brian Treat said the senator sees no reason to support bringing about Native American Day and would not waste his time on the issue. [more]