Indian Group sues University of Illinois for Racist Mascot - Silly White People Dress Up Like Indians & Run Around at Half-Time

Opponents of University of Illinois mascot Chief Illiniwek filed a lawsuit against the school's trustees Tuesday, claiming the figure perpetuates a racial stereotype. In its suit, the Illinois Native American Bar Association and two individuals seek to force the school to stop using the Chief as its sports mascot. "The 'Chief' is a false stereotype of a historically oppressed minority group," the lawsuit states. "Native Americans have always considered Chief Illiniwek to be a racist characterization of Native Americans." The Chief is a 78-year-old tradition in which a student dresses in buckskins and headdress and dances at sports events. The suit alleges the mascot violates Indians' rights under state law and violates the board's own anti-discrimination policies. In a statement issued Tuesday, the university said it is not violating any discrimination laws or its own anti-discrimination policies. The Chief has been a divisive issue at the school for years. Supporters say the mascot is a symbol of reverence for the contribution of American Indians to Illinois history while opponents say it is racially offensive and demeaning. Chicago Tribune March 16, 2005 Copyright 2005 Chicago Tribune Company