Protesters make waves at Bush coronation tea party

D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams just doesn't get it, either. He, too, criticized protesters for the few who shouted obscenities. Then Williams himself hypocritically ripped off an obscenity to a reporter. "It really does piss me off that people are so selfish that they can't give [Bush] this one day," Williams said. Selfish? We're out there giving everything we have so more people can just survive as Bush and his supporters rape the national treasury, make a mockery of fiscal restraint, lay off more workers, strip people of their rights, push for more tax breaks for the billionaires and millionaires, plan to invade more countries to further neocon empire dreams. And WE are selfish because we REFUSE to not send Bush a message on the best chance we have to send that message this year? Pissed off doesn't begin to cover it. [more]