NAACP: Social Security plan hurts blacks

Denouncing President Bush's plan for
Social Security reform as one that would disproportionately hurt
blacks, NAACP leaders asked to meet with the president to discuss the
issue, the organization's chairman announced Saturday. Julian Bond,
speaking at a news conference during the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People's annual meeting here, also said he
expects to name the Baltimore-based organization's new president by
July. A search committee has interviewed more than 200 candidates to
replace Kweisi Mfume, who resigned in December. Last week, NAACP
leaders asked to meet with Bush, submitting a letter detailing concerns
about education and unemployment but focusing largely on his plan to
privatize Social Security. "This proposal is extremely dangerous to
us," said Hilary O. Shelton, the NAACP's Washington bureau chief. Among
married couples, twice as many blacks as whites rely on Social Security
for their entire retirement income, and blacks in their 50s are twice
as likely to become disabled as whites, he said. But Bush says blacks
would stand to benefit from his privatization plan because, on average,
they die earlier than whites and would not have to wait until
retirement to receive benefits. That argument has rankled many black
leaders who denounced the president for trying to capitalize on the
life-expectancy problem one they say is rooted in health disparities
and urban violence rather than solve it.Among its goals for 2005, the
association plans to curb police brutality by setting up watchdog
groups, to urge removal of the Confederate flag from South Carolina's
Statehouse and to reduce racial disparities in education and health,
Bond said. [more] and [more]