Mayor Douglas Wilder more than a month late with campaign finance report

Richmond Mayor L. Douglas Wilder's
political action committee, Reformer for Mayor, has yet to file its
campaign finance report, due Jan. 18, as required by state law.
Wilder's other campaign finance filings with the city and state are
replete with incomplete donor entries, apparently in violation of state
law. And he also has yet to release how much money his $125-a-plate
inaugural ball raised Jan. 3. Not including the ball, Wilder reports
raising $446,000, according to city and state filings, and spent
$283,000. Wilder has said he plans to put leftover campaign funds into
a political action committee. Barely two months after Wilder swept into
office promising a new era of political accountability at City Hall,
the late and incomplete filings raise questions about the former
governor's willingness to play by his own rules. Wilder was unaware of
the late or incomplete filings, he indicated through spokeswoman
Michele Quander-Collins last week. He referred questions to his policy
adviser, Paul Goldman, and his campaign treasurer, Benjamin J. Lambert
IV. [more]