CA: Black, Latino graduation rates trail
A new study found a significant gap
in college graduation rates between blacks and Latinos born in
California vs. whites and Asian-Americans. The study, released
Wednesday by the Public Policy Institute of California, found that only
13 percent of Latinos, 15 percent of blacks and 11 percent of American
Indians had earned a bachelor's degree. That compared with rates of 31
percent for whites and 62 percent for Asian-Americans, based on 2000
Census data. ''A college education is one of the most important
indicators of lifelong economic success,'' study author and PPIC
program director Deborah Reed said. ''These wide disparities in college
completion paint an uneven picture of the prospects for young people
from different racial and ethnic groups in California.'' The report
found the percentage of California-born young adults earning bachelor's
degrees went up in the '90s. Asian-American graduation rates increased
from 53 percent to 62 percent and whites from 23 percent to 31 percent.
The increase was lower for blacks, 11 percent to 15 percent, and
Latinos, 10 percent to 13 percent. Reed found gaps at every step of
graduating from the University of California. Only 6.2 percent of black
high school seniors and 6.5 percent of Hispanic seniors qualified for
UC in 2002-03, compared to 16.2 percent of whites and 31.4 percent of
Asian-Americans. Hispanics make up one-third of the state's high school
graduates, but only 12 percent of UC graduates, while blacks account
for 7 percent of high school graduates but 3 percent of UC graduates. [more]