Some can count errors Bush missed

President Reagan would be saying, "There he goes again," listening to President Bush once more blame everything or everyone else for the mess that he has put our country in in Iraq. This time the fault is with the Iraqi police -- whom we trained -- for allegedly dropping their arms and running from a fight with the "insurgents." Of course, President Bush is the man who could not identify even one area in which he might have made a mistake in the past four years. Now that is truly strange as I, along with millions of Americans, provided with a modicum of information, could list numbers of errors by our commander in chief, just in Iraq. Let us start with the reason for the invasion and its subsequent occupation. What was it -- the presence of weapons of mass destruction that did not exist and an imminent threat by Saddam Hussein that was not there -- that President Bush needed to stop the United Nations inspection team from finishing its work? How about the decision to use fewer troops than were recommended by the head of our armed forces? How about the decision to shut out the majority of our allies in the fight against the terrorists who caused 9-11? What about the decision to secure only oil structures and not any other infrastructure and certainly not the large and dangerous caches of conventional weapons of the enemy, which now are being used to kill us? How about the decision to rush into this war without appropriate armor needed to adequately protect our troops and over a year later to still be inadequately armored? Now, "there he goes again" rushing into "elections" while the killing fields continue in this Iraqi shooting gallery. [more]