Wednesday, September 1, 2004 at 12:39AM
- Having succeeded
in getting the United States to invade and occupy Iraq, is Israel now
making efforts to instigate the Bush administration to deal with
the "Iranian threat" ?
This week, a high-ranking Israeli official urged
the US "and the rest of the free world" to deal with the "Iranian
threat before it is too late". The
remarks - reminiscent of the vitriolic propaganda campaign
against Iraq prior to the Anglo-American invasion of the Arab country
last year - coincided with the publication of an article by a
leading Israeli military historian Martin Van-Creveld, suggesting that
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon might very well order an attack on
Iranian nuclear plants. Writing in the Paris-based International Herald
Tribune on 21 August, Creveld opined an Israeli or American (or a joint
Israeli-American) attack on Iranian nuclear plants might be
carried out before the US November elections. [more ]
- Israel reportedly possess a big arsenal of
nuclear weapons - estimates range from 100 to 400 weapons and
bombs - along with efficient delivery systems, including a fleet of
long-range American-supplied F-15 fighter bombers as well as the medium
range ballistic missile Yeriho