Jesse Jackson says Kerry Campaign Needs Shake Up - But Not Just a Vanilla Shake.

- Originally published in The Hotline September 8, 2004
Jesse Jackson, on why Kerry is trailing in the polls: "President Bush's staff, Karl Rove and his staff operate with more sophistication, more wit, more toughness and a game plan. So far Mr. Kerry has not been served as well by his top leadership in terms of lack of sophistication. Karl Rove's plan is to solidify his base first and move outward. Mr. Kerry's campaign has him distancing himself from his base." More Jackson: "Mr. Kerry is reaching out, but he needs more than a shake-up. A shake-up cannot just be a vanilla shake. It has to be a bonding of the base. And that shake-up must be some renowned leaders of labor and blacks and Latinos and peace activists because that's where the base is."
Jackson: "There's still time because in fact, when all of the dust settles, we've lost a thousand troops in Iraq. We have found no weapons of mass destruction, no al Qaeda connection, no imminent threat. Instead there, we've lost lives, we've lost money and we're now losing our credibility. So these are opportunities, but I don't see anyone jamming in those holes. We'll meet Mr. Kerry real soon. I want to work with him, but so do many others, leaders from labor and Hispanics and peace activists. They must have a real place in the campaign" ("IP," CNN, 9/7).