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| Racists Behind Anti - Immigration Initiative in Arizona: Abernathy Responds 2 »
Tuesday, August 17, 2004 at 03:54AM
An initiative that would require people to prove
their citizenship when registering to vote or when seeking social
services in Arizona was certified Monday for the November ballot.
Supporters say Proposition 200, the Arizona Taxpayer and Citizen
Protection Act, is intended to combat welfare and voter fraud.
Opponents say it is unnecessary and rooted in racism. Secretary of
State Jan Brewer announced that supporters had collected more than the
required 122,612 names. If approved by voters, Proposition 200 would
require state residents to prove their citizenship when registering to
vote and show identification when casting a ballot in person. People
applying for services not mandated by the federal government would also
have to prove their identities and eligibility. Initiative supporters
say that requirement is limited to people applying for welfare but
opponents say the reach is broader. The Service Employees International
Union on Friday filed a lawsuit seeking to keep the initiative off the
ballot; a hearing is set for Tuesday. In a related development, the
Arizona Supreme Court on Monday declined to rule on a separate lawsuit
filed by the union to challenge some parts of the official voter
pamphlet's description of the initiative. [more ]