Thousands of Anti-War Protesters March in London

Thousands of anti-war campaigners took to the streets of London Sunday calling for an end to the "illegal occupation" of Iraq by U.S-led coalition troops. The protest, which police said attracted about 15,000 people, aimed to pile yet more pressure on Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose active support for President Bush's war in Iraq has already damaged his popularity ratings. Demonstrators carried posters and banners bearing slogans condemning the war, while some dressed in colorful costumes marched alongside floats to the accompaniment of dance music. The brother of Kenneth Bigley, a British hostage beheaded in Iraq earlier this month had called for people to join the march, though he did not attend himself.[more

- Pictured above:
Two protestors (not in London) hold a banner that reads 'No More
Deaths, not in NY, not in Iraq, not in Afghanistan, not in Palestine,
not in Madrid, not in any other place' as they protest against George
W. Bush outside of the US embassy in Mexico City, Sunday, Oct. 17, 2004. [more