Salazar Defeats Coors in Colorado Senate Race

Colorado sent Democrat Ken Salazar to the Senate on Tuesday, opting for the moderate state attorney general over Republican beer baron Pete Coors and giving the Democrats a seat once thought to be solidly in the GOP column.Salazar becomes the first Hispanic U.S. senator in more than a quarter century. His victory capped a nasty campaign stoked by more than $15 million in combined spending devoted to winning the seat being vacated by Republican Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell. It was the most expensive campaign in Colorado history. Salazar, a fifth-generation Colorado rancher, tapped a populist theme, saying he understands the struggles of the working class and would create jobs and boost education funding. He also said he would be the best candidate to improve homeland security after serving two terms as attorney general. Coors, whose great-grandfather founded the Golden-based Adolph Coors Co., stressed his business experience and belief in low taxes, small government and a strong defense. National parties were watching Colorado closely in part because Democrat John Kerry was hoping to get a boost from Salazar's appeal to fellow Hispanics. [more]