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Thursday, November 4, 2004 at 03:36AM
Though well known as a terrorist since 1996, one
month before 9/11 President George W. Bush thanked Sami Al-Arian's
family for a book they sent him and expressed "regret" about how their
son was treated by the Secret Service. Bush Administration officials
repeatedly met with terrorists linked to 9/11 such as Sami al-Arian and
Abdurahman al-Amoudi even after the attack, The MadCowMorningNews has
learned. For example: From the Congressional Testimony of Steve Emerson
on March 19, 1996: "Held in the Washington area from June 19 to
21, 1991, the conference included... leaders representing nearly every
radical fundamentalist group in the world attended, making the
gathering the all-time All-Star terrorist conference in U.S. history...
those present also decided to support one another in their respective
Islamic confrontations with their non-Islamic hosts." "In attendance at
this spectacular meeting was Hamas chieftain Musa Abu Marzuk, Islamic
Jihad leaders Ramadan Abdullah [Shallah] and Sami Al-Arian (the latter
is still ensconced as a professor at the University of South Florida
while the former now runs Islamic Jihad from Damascus), Al-Amoudi, now
head of the American Muslim Council and a chief spokesperson for
imprisoned Hamas chief Marzuk." [more]