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Wednesday, September 22, 2004 at 04:11PM
Richmond police shot a young man to death Monday
afternoon on an East End street after the man allegedly opened fire on
an officer who confronted him.Police said the man may have been one of
three suspects being sought in an armed robbery of a woman on North
24th Street, about six blocks away from the fatal encounter, which
began at 1:30 p.m. near Mosby Street and Fairmount Avenue. Police said
the man fired on an officer who gave chase. The chase ended with what
Police Chief Andre Parker described as "an exchange of some gunfire"
that left the man dead in an alley behind the Marketplace 14
convenience store on Mosby, across the street from Martin Luther King
Jr. Middle School. Yesterday's fatality marked the fourth
police-related shooting this year and the 12th since June 2001. In
eight of the 12 shootings, a suspect has died. Two years ago, Parker
promised an independent study of his officers' use of force after a
string of five fatal shootings between June 2001 and July 2002. Last
month, however, Parker said the study had been called off on advice of
the city attorney's office. [more ]