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Monday, September 13, 2004 at 03:57AM
The 1994 federal assault weapons ban expires at
midnight Monday and with it the prohibition against selling certain
powerful semiautomatic firearms. Police chiefs, gun control
organizations and a large number of Democratic politicians have lobbied
for its renewal to no avail. The Republican-controlled Congress is
content to see the law expire. Yet what strikes gun dealers such as
Marlow is that the rifles for sale this week will not be different in
any significant way from the ones available for the past 10 years. Amid
the furious political maneuvering of recent days is a situation little
noticed by the public but one well known to dealers: The ban did not
prevent many assault weapons from reaching the streets. "It's a big
nothing," said Gary Taepke, owner of Wolverine Shooting Sports, a gun
range and firearms store in Brownstown, south of Detroit. "The ban
didn't change anything. It is strictly cosmetic." [more ] and [more ]