Company Hired to Handle Overseas Military Ballots Faced Lawsuit Over a bill

- President of Company Contributed Money to the Republican National Committee
Pentagon contractor that has been entrusted with
handling the unsealed absentee ballots of military and civilian voters
overseas was sued two years ago by a Tennessee business that accused it
of fabricating information and other fraudulent behavior involving an
overdue bill, according to federal court records. The Federal Voting
Assistance Program contracted with the company, Omega Technologies
Inc., this year to process overseas ballots. Omega is to receive the
ballots by fax at its offices in Alexandria, Va., and then forward them
to local elections offices, program officials say. The Pentagon has
been directing a voter assistance program since 1988. The mission is to
foster participation and to protect the integrity of the vote for an
estimated six million military and civilian voters. Omega has been a
part of the program since 1999, when it began sending blank ballots
overseas. Ms. Brunelli said Omega had performed well. The President of
Omega gave $6,600 to the National Republican Congressional Committee
last year, according to federal election records. She said in the
interview on Monday that the donations had no effect on her company's
work. [more ]