Can a N***a Get a Job? - Heated Debate Over Spiking of 'Boondocks' Strips

The decision by several newspapers, including a few major ones, to drop Aaron McGruder's popular "Boondocks" comic strip this week has set off sparks, possibly as the artist intended. The series of daily strips this week imagines a new reality TV show hosted by rap impressario Russell Simmons, called "Can a N***a Get a Job?", with the missing letters pretty easy to discern. It includes panels showing a woman who would rather sleep than apply for a job, a knife fight between two women and a black man smoking marijuana in a board room, in a takeoff on "The Apprentice." Among the papers refusing to run the strip this week are The Washington Post, New York Daily News and Newsday. [more

- Last week's Boondock's [here