Catholic University Allows Neutered NAACP group on Campus

The Catholic University of America announced Oct. 12 that the NAACP can start a group on campus as long as its members abide by all university policies, a requirement for all campus groups, and its members do not take part in advocating for abortion or other issues contrary to church teaching. The university's decision on the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People chapter is a reversal of its initial rejection of the formation of a chapter in April. At that time student life officials said they felt the two existing campus groups for black students served their needs but also expressed concern over the NAACP board of directors adopting a policy statement supporting keeping abortion legal. The decision to allow the group came after Vincentian Father David M. O'Connell, president of Catholic University, met with a group of students interested in starting the chapter. Father O'Connell said they assured him the chapter would follow the university policies required of all campus groups. [more