Clear Channel Censors Again - Rejects Richard Pryor Boycott KFC Sign

PETA had hoped to place its new anti-KFC billboard, featuring comedian Richard Pryor next to the tagline "Join Us in Boycotting KFC for Its Cruelty to Chickens" in Houston, but it was rejected by Clear Channel Outdoor, Viacom Outdoor, and Sign-Ad Outdoor for being "not acceptable" and "too controversial." In an effort to counter KFC's attempts to target African-Americans, PETA also placed a print version of the ad in the Houston-based African-American News & Issues , one of the largest African-American newspapers in the country. The national billboard blitz is the latest salvo in PETA's international campaign to pressure KFC to crack down cruel treatment of chickens by KFC suppliers, including a slaughterhouse in Moorefield, W.Va., where workers were caught kicking, throwing, and stomping live birds in a widely distributed video. [more]