Did Bush allow right-wing Republicans to foment a violent coup in Haiti
The recent political turmoil in Haiti and in Venezuela (where the Bush White House tacitly supported a coup against President Hugo Chavez in 2002, and where IRI also has a murky history of involvement) reflect a troubling pattern in the Bush administration's prevailing approach to the export of "democracy." When George W. Bush entered the White House in 2001, he adopted a policy of studied neglect toward Haiti, scaling back President Clinton's policy of direct engagement while appointing veteran anti-Aristide ideologues to key State Department positions. [more] Pictured above: A young boy stands near U.S. Marines as they prepare to patrol the streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Saturday, April 3, 2004. Via Salon.com
Democracy Now Interview with Max Blumenthal (author of the piece above) [more]