Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 11:49AM

JEB BUSH Intentionally and Systematically attempted to disenfranchise
Black voters in order to help his brother get re-elected (2004).
- Jeb Bush intentionally placed Blacks who are eligible to vote (ex-felons) on an ineligible voter purge list. Nearly half the 47,763 people on the purge list are Black. (As nearly half of the prison population in Florida is Black). [more] That is, approximately 22,000 are Black. [more]
- Jeb Bush instructed those
compiling the list to ignore, disregard or NOT place persons having
Hispanic surnames on this voter purge list. Although Hispanics make up 11% of Florida's prison population, they make up 0% of those on the purge list. SEE [more] and [more]. That is, approximately only 61 are Hispanic. [more]
In the past Florida's Hispanic voters traditionally have voted
Republican in presidential elections (because of the state's sizable
Cuban population, Hispanics in Florida have tended to vote Republican
more than Hispanics nationally), almost as reliably as black voters
tend to support Democrats (90 percent of the nearly one million African Americans in Florida are Democrats) [more]. A purge list with the expected percentage of
Black felons that omits almost all Hispanic felons is highly suspect.
- Jeb Bush made the list unavailable to the public and vigorously defended its secrecy. List now revealed only through court order.
- The Sarasota
Herald-Tribune predicted that "if every Democrat and Republican on the
list were to vote for their party in 2004, the Democrats would win by
almost 18,000 votes ." [more]
- Acenture, the company hired to create the felon list has strong Republican ties. It has given over $200,000 to Republicans or Republican causes since 2002. [more directly below] or [go now]
- State officials failed to assist felons restore thir rights [more directly below]
- State is now purposefully
delaying the restoration of voting rights to out of state ex-felons taken off the voter rolls in 2000. [more directly below].
- Jeb
Bush's actions to obstruct the Black vote in the 2000 election,
including the original felon voter purge are well documented. [more] and [more] and [more]