Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 11:12AM

- Vote for Kerry --- Stay Home --- or Vote for a Chimpanzee
vast majority of black voters will take one of two paths in the
presidential election this fall: vote for John Kerry or stay
home. Too much of the latter could derail Mr. Kerry's candidacy, say
political analysts and NAACP delegates gathered here, detecting a
severe lack of enthusiasm for the Massachusetts senator among the black
electorate. "To get people out to vote, they have to have something to
vote for," said Monroe Woods, a delegate who works as a management
consultant near Nashville, Tenn. "Yes, the anti-Bush feeling is
enormous, and I hear people talking about the need to get Bush out of
office. But people rarely mention Kerry's name." [more]
- Republicans are better served by turning Blacks
off to Kerry rather than attempting to now present Bush as Pro-Black
somehow after four years of lying and stealing.
- DLC Candidate John Kerry Ain't No Democrat [more]