Dear' George' -- Love letters of Enron's Ken Lay

"George, Linda and I are incredibly proud of you and Laura," Enron CEO Ken Lay scrawled at the bottom of a letter he wrote to then-Gov. George W. Bush of Texas, Nov. 11, 1998. Bush had just won reelection with the generous financial backing of Enron, which had poured more than $700,000 into Bush's campaign coffers. "We hope that you will again actively support efforts to pass a bill restructuring the electric industry in Texas," Lay continued. "Please have your team let me know what Enron can do to be helpful in not only passing electricity restructuring legislation but also in pursuing the rest of your legislative agenda." [more] Pictured above: George W. Bush walks away from a briefing with the media, refusing to answer questions after he was asked about Enron and the reported indictment of former CEO Kenneth Lay, who was a close adviser and fund-raiser for Bush and his father, earning him the presidential nickname of 'Kenny Boy.'[more]