Rounding Up Black Men in Omaha Dragnet DNA Sweep:

- Police Looking for Everybody - - "Black Man , 25 to 40 years old, 5-foot-3 to 5-foot-9 inches tall, stocky with a large stomach and weighing 175 to 250 pounds" Police went to the homes of 36 men, between the ages of 20 and 40, and asked for DNA samples via mouth swabs. The cops were in plain clothes and drove unmarked cars. Police said the DNA tests were needed to aid in the investigation of four rapes over the last two years. The perpetrator has been described as "black, 25 to 40 years old, 5-foot-3 to 5-foot-9 inches tall, stocky with a large stomach and weighing 175 to 250 pounds."

- State Senator Ernie Chambers Outraged By RACIST Police Tactics [more] Pictured Above.
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