Militias Mark Women in Sudan - use rape as a weapon of ethnic cleansing.

Militias Mark Women in Sudan
Government-backed fighters use rape as a weapon of ethnic cleansing.
'We Want to Make a Light Baby'
At first light on Sunday, three young women walked into a scrubby field just outside their refugee camp in West Darfur. They had gone out to collect straw for their family's donkeys. They recalled thinking that the Arab militiamen who were attacking African tribes at night would still be asleep. But six men grabbed them, yelling Arabic slurs such as " zurga " and " abid ," meaning "black" and "slave." Then the men raped them, beat them and left them on the ground, they said. "They grabbed my donkey and my straw and said, 'Black girl, you are too dark. You are like a dog. We want to make a light baby,' " said Sawela Suliman, 22. [more]