In Colorado, Salazar Leads Senate Race. HATER, COORS in 2nd place.
A Denver Post poll of Colorado voters shows Ken Salazar (D) leading Pete Coors (R) 47% to 40% in a head-to-head Senate matchup. Salazar also leads his other potential opponent, Bob Schaffer (R), by 49% to 35%. [more] Coors said yesterday that he wanted to lower the drinking age to 18 [rock on] Pictured above: Peter Coors.
- In April,
Republican Pete Coors (beer company) said that he would rather be
compared to a convicted KLANSMAN than to John Kerry. [more] and [more]
- The Coors company has FUNDED Anti-affirmative action campaigns recently. Such as the Michigan drive. [more]
- The Coors Company is Anti-Union [more]
- Some believe the Coors Company is connected to the KKK [more]