Black Caucus to NADER: 'Get Your Ass Out'

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus had a harsh and simple message yesterday for independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader: "Get your ass out." Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-Mich.) made that comment to the man many Democrats blamed for putting Bush in the White House, according to several sources in the closed-door meeting. "Many of us told him that," said Rep. Major Owens (D-N.Y.).But Nader appeared unwilling to heed the CBC's advice, causing many black lawmakers to express their frustration. "The guy's got a Messiah complex," said Rep. Al Wynn (D-Md.). "He's all over the park on why he wants to run. He gives you all kinds of reasons, none of which match the rationale of his candidacy."
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Arizona Democrats to challenge Nader's ballot signatures [more]