The Real Reagan Revolution
Even though the Reagan revolution masked its racial appeals in code words, and subtle messages, race was never far from the surface. In his autobiography, My American Journey, Colin Powell called Reagan "insensitive" on racial issues. Reagan's attack, though unsuccessful, on affirmative action programs, his refusal to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus, his attempt to reduce the power of the Civil Rights Commission over employment discrimination cases, his opposition to the extension of the 1965 Voting Rights Act (Reagan Attorney General, Ed Meese complained that the bill discriminated against the South) were huge signals that the assault on civil rights was a prime goal of his administration. [more] and [Reagan's Legacy Among Blacks] and [Roger Wilkins' commnets on Reagan] [Liberals may mourn man, but not the Reagan years ] and [according to Reagan's name appears in the headline of all but one of 27 CNN segments for Monday] and [Blacks,gays Bitter at Reagan] and [Reagan in One Word-Mean]