Secretive Indianapolis Cops Release Few Details After Killing Unarmed Black Man Reaching for Console during Traffic Stop

White Police Chief along with his Black probot sidekick. From [HERE] and [HERE] The NAACP is calling on the Justice Department to investigate Indianapolis' police department following the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black man.
Two officers with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department fired on 45-year-old Aaron Bailey early Thursday, killing him, after he crashed his car while fleeing a traffic stop.
Police have released few details on what prompted the fatal shooting.
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Chief Bryan Roach on Thursday afternoon addressed the shooting and its impact. Roach is white.
“This is a problem and an issue that not only affects this police department, your chief of police, your mayor, but the community as a whole, blah blah” Roach said.
A north-side traffic stop shortly before 2 a.m. Thursday led to a brief chase, a minor crash, a driver who reached down in his car and two officers who fatally shot him. No weapon was later found. A female passenger was in the passenger seat.
Officers Michal P. Dinnsen and Carlton J. Howard joined IMPD in June 2014. They have never received any disciplinary actions against them. They are now on administrative leave.
Dinnsen is white. Howard is bi-racial. [when white reporters begin using terms like bi-racial you probably are listening to a racist.]
Indy Congregation Action Network on Thursday decried an "open season on black men" and called for the prosecution of the officers who shot Bailey.
“People of color are scared to walk and drive on their own streets," the Rev. Kenneth Sullivan of New Direction Church said in a statement released by IndyCAN. “We need the community to be able to participate in something that brings resolve to this open season on black men.”
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