Baltimore to Pay $150 K: Black Man was Compliant with Cops but Dragged and Beaten before he was handcuffed - arrested for no reason

From [HERE] Baltimore's Board of Estimates on Wednesday unanimously approved a $150,000 payment to settle a lawsuit alleging police brutality.
The five-member panel awarded the money to Tiyon Williams, who filed suit in 2014 against Lt. Joel Fried, Det. Maurice Ward and Det. Robert W. Mitchell for alleged battery and false arrest, among other claims.
"This was not a pretty set of facts," said City Solicitor George Nilson, a member of the board.
The incident stems from May 19, 2012, when Williams was talking with a friend in the 900 block of N. Mount St. when officers approached and arrested his friend, according to the city. Williams ran and Ward chased him and tackled him. Williams said he was compliant with the officer's orders, but nonetheless was "dragged and beaten" before being placed in handcuffs.
Williams alleged he suffered injuries to his head and face as the result of being "punched," "stomped," and having his head hit a cement sidewalk during the arrest.
Police determined he had committed no crime and he was taken to the hospital by ambulance.
Mitchell was charged with second-degree assault and misconduct against the police as a result of the incident, but those criminal charges were later dropped. This means the cops lied. The cops wrote police reports which included made-up facts that Mitchell assaulted them. Apparently, the cops then submitted the information to prosecutors who papered his case. Former Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts called the allegations against Mitchell "reprehensible."
Baltimore has agreed to pay out $12 million to settle civil claims of police misconduct since 2010. In these settlements the officers are not required to pay a penny and rarely face prosecution or sentencing. Settlements may help to make the victims more whole but they do nothing to stop the terror imposed on Blacks & Latinos in this bullshit police state. Police brutality is an effect of white supremacy/racism.
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