Policing For Profit: Rogue Cleveland Cop [revenue employee professional] Shakes His Ass for Donations

Millions of Bored Cops. According to Dr. Blynd;
Police Officers - public servants (employees) who spend the majority of their time on duty filling out reports detailing offenses (real and imaginary) that they were unable to prevent - while not hanging out at donut shop or moonlighting. Police "officers" take no oath of office because no "office" exists. Police officers are revenue employees professionals at making citizens arrests. Policing for profit is the reality we all too readily dismiss as the acts of "rogue" police officers. If only that were the case."
Police are trained manipulators. They take classes to learn how to read people's body language and how to ask OIQ's (open ended and innocent sounding questions - (such as "where you coming from tonight") in order to surreptitiously obtain information they can use against you. [MORE]
How to deal with a maniac cop?
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