"I felt they were doing me like a slave. I thought I was dead." Nappy Roots Rapper Suing Cops For Police Brutality

Ex-Nappy Roots rapper R. Prophet has threatened to file a lawsuit against cops who arrested him earlier in the week and repeatedly tased him.
Prophet was arrested on Saturday April 20 by Kentucky State Police for disorderly conduct. He tried to inform the police of his celebrity by yelling, ""I'm R. Prophet!!!" However, cops believed that he was yelling that he was a prophet and the situation quickly escalated.
"Kentucky State Police say they had to tase the ex-Nappy Roots rapper multiple times for resisting arrest," TMZ reported.
" ... and again for kicking out the back window of a police cruiser. The photos tell the story of the struggle."
Prophet, who was born Kenneth Ryan Anthony, told a different version of events to the entertainment site. He said he fully cooperated and there was no justification for his treatment.
"I felt they were doing me like a slave. I thought I was dead."
Prophet said that at one point, he was taken into the back of a car again. At this point, he alleged being pepper strayed and tasered again. He believed he be driven somewhere and killed. The cops continued to deny the use of excessive force.
"The trooper who arrested Prophet tells TMZ, the rapper was highly intoxicated, walked directly into traffic and was a danger to himself and others," the site reported.
On Thursday, Prophet called into TMZ Live and declared his arrest was due to racial profiling. He said the driver of his car was arrested for DUI at a police checkpoint that night and was taken to a nearby police station. However, Prophet was left in the car. He was wondering how he would get home when a cop ordered him out.
"[The officer] said , 'Step out of the car sir,' ... so I stepped out of the car. Next thing I know I was getting handcuffed ... and the officer pulls out ... his little electrocuting gun, they call it a taser or whatever."
He acknowledged drinking but denied any wrongdoing.
"Prophet says he plans to unleash a legal nightmare on the cops ... right after he clears his name with the judge," the site said.
R. Prophet tweeted thanks to his supporters and stressed why he had to take the matter to court.
"Police Brutality has to stop now! It's bigger than a BLACK and WHITE issue- IT'S A HUMAN ISSUE!!", he tweeted.
(right. and we suppose that the black and white "issue" is just a centuries old coincidence? Racist white people function as psychopaths in their relations with non-whites. Like Chuck D. said, "it is high time to cut the leash." His attitutude is the essence of the original and continuing white supremacy deception: now matter how bad this rapper brother got beat and deprived of his fundamental rights he still does not SEE white supremacy. He is an enemy, a target because he is non-white. No other reason. Ultimately, like most non-whites he is a believer in the deception. To him "democracy", "the system," "justice" and "freedom" are attainable realities for non-whites that are present in this system. We just need to get rid of some bad cops and adjust the system here and there. 'Most white people are ok including the cops - this is not a white supremacy system.'
Dr. Welsing explains, "Failing to comprehend the environmental context of the white supremacy system and its ultimate goal of white genetic survival, Black people also fail to grasp the deeper sense of what actually is occurring in front of our eyes." [MORE])
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