Snitching is the Crime - a deception tool of the white supremacy system

Listen to BBC audio [HERE] Informants or ‘snitches’ have always been part of the US criminal justice system. But there’s been an explosion in the number of informants over the last few decades. That’s because snitching on others is often the only way for defendants to escape tough minimum sentences introduced for drug crimes in the 1980s.
Some law enforcement agencies use informants in as many as 90% of drug cases. But there are surprisingly few regulations about how police recruit and use snitches. Critics say this can lead to unfair convictions and in some cases is putting informants themselves at risk. [MORE]
A major goal of the white supremacy system is the greater confinement of large numbers of non-white people. According to Neely Fuller, "the Racists make certain that non-white people exist under conditions that will most likely cause them to do things that will give the Racists an "excuse" to put them in Greater Confinement.
White supremacy is carried out through deception. To snitch is to willfully volunteer information about a person with the specific intention of gaining direct or indirect personal favors and or praise from Racists. [theCode]
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