"Somethings gotta be done man." White West Memphis Police Officers Beat Handcuffed Black Man 'crying for help'

From [HERE] People in a South Memphis apartment complex say they were eyewitnesses to police brutality. The handcuffed Black victim was crying for help, bleeding and even passed out, all at the hands of three Memphis police officers. Witnesses say police kicked in a door to get Roger Williams out, and bloodstains on the grass shows exactly how badly he was beaten.
“He came up with his hands up. He didn’t say nothing to them! He came up with his hands up,” said Latosha Gardner, who lives in the apartment where police pulled Willams from. “The black officer was just standing back. The three white officers were beating him. So what does that look like?” asked Francia Celstin.
“Repeatedly beating him. They busted his head. They busted his face open,” said Cordarious Pearson, who says he saw the beating through his window.
(In photo, Donald Oakes, police chief of the West Memphis PD.)
"Black people are going to have to stop moaning, rocking, crying, complaining and begging. Black people are going to have to stop thinking that rhyme and rhetoric will solve problems. Black people are going to have to stop finger-popping and singing. Black people are going to have to stop dancing and clowning. Black people are going to have to stop laughing and and listening to loud radios. All of these behaviors, and many more, have absolutely nothing to do with addressing the challenges and conditions of the open warfare continuously being waged against the Black collective.
We Black people do not see the war being waged against us because we don't want to and because we are afraid. We are engaging in behavior designed specifically to block out any awareness of the war - our true reality. Our behavior thus forces us into the insanity of hoping and begging - as opposed to the sanity of analysis, specific behavioral pattern design and specific conduct in all areas of people activity: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war." [MORE]
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